Sounds straight forward isn't it? We've been taught how to be on time and that tardiness isn't a polite manner. We've been accustomed to this norm throughout our education to teach us that with such tardiness, comes consequence. That feeling of asking for a late slip or attending detention as a kid was not fun! Now that you're old enough to work, being late is a huge deal! It means not getting paid the amount of hours if you were on time. But that is just being generous. This can lead to being laid off and potentially harm your records if they do get passed to your next job if you ever get one!
Why is it important?
Being on time to many people is simple as running operations smoothly. If one person is late, sometimes the job can't be done at all! The team depends on you to be on time so that everything goes as planned. Don't be self centred and remember that there is a sense of responsibility.
Time tells us about how much we care about the situation or person. Some cultures may view it as rude or just perfectly normal.
You've most likely heard of this many times in school. "why don't you plan ahead of time? Why didn't you do this earlier?" This is true! But sometimes it's being late can't be helped. Just remember that there has to be a legitimate reason to be late such as a death in the family. I have lost count the amount of times I heard people say "I was sick". It is best to plan ahead and be on time than leaving things last minute!
Scott J, (2010), Time and Translation [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 01 March 13].
Guffey, M. E., Rhodes, K., & Rogin, P. (2011). Business Communication process and product. Toronto: south-western.